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You've done it! You researched the young adult market,
identified their buying power, and now that "just for millennials"
campaign has launched and you're waiting for the leads to roll in. But instead,
nothing happens.
What's behind the lack of attention and response from this
coveted age group? Adults under the age of 30 make up about 1.4% of the U.S.
population and pack about 1.3 trillion in buying power domestically. This
massive market is made up of savvy consumers who are digital natives and who
are very aware of marketing and advertising.
So, why aren't they paying attention to your marketing? It could
be one of these three reasons.
You Treat Them as an
It’s a common misconception that millennials, particularly young
ones, don’t have the money to buy things or that they waste their money on the
wrong things, like avocado toast and pumpkin spice lattes. The problem with
this approach is that brands who see these young adults in this way tend to
promote the most heavily discounted or bottom of the line products using
cost-conscious gimmicks.
Both entry-level products and marketing gimmicks drive
millennials away. These savvy users what the newest, the latest and the best,
and they can pay for it. Don’t assume your youngest targets can’t afford your
best or most recent models. If they are truly captivated with your brand,
they’ll find a way. Offer your best products and your most innovative lineup to
this group and if they like what you have to share, they'll keep coming back
for more.
You Roll out a
“Millennial” Product
You may call it that internally, but labeling your product as a
millennial offering is a sure way to drive young adults away from it. Promote
it that way on social media and you could get a lot of attention – in a
negative way. That innate disapproval of marketing means that millennials are
going to be suspicious of any product that announces itself as aimed at them
(and could even mock it relentlessly online). You can target millennials with a
campaign, approach, or product, but don't overtly mention it in your materials
to avoid a backlash.
You’re Not Social
If you’re dabbling in social media because you are supposed to,
but not truly interacting, you’re likely driving away the very consumers you
want to attract. Millennials are social media savvy and use channels regularly
for entertainment, engagement, and social chatter. A steady stream of promotion
is going to drive these coveted young adults away. Instead, pull back on the
promotions and truly engage.
If you have an employee who already loves social media, this
might be the right person to have monitor and post, even if they are not
officially on your marketing team. Social media channels that speak to and
“get” millennials can lead to huge brand success, while a mismatch in your
messaging can cause millennials to see your brand as out of touch or
Harnessing the power of this massive demographic is well worth
the effort, but the first step is ensuring that your current messaging isn’t
driving your young adult targets away from your brand. Taking the time to learn
how millennials spend money, what matters to them, and even why they love
engagement so much can help you tailor your efforts to resonate with this
coveted group.